Thursday, 15 November 2012

Helen Levitt Internet research

Helen Levitt Internet research

Notes taken from:
·        1. Did her photography in the early 1940’s in new York
·        2. Her work is considered documentary photography because it was about current social themes rather than      telling stories.
·         3.Chose to do her work in poor areas because they are “richly sociable and visually interesting”.
·        4. Her photos contained children playing, the interactions between adults and the elderly’s long observed view of life.

After looking at the photos on the website I get the feeling that as a modern society we have lost the sense of family and friendship that’s found in our neighbourhoods because in Helen Levitt’s 1940s photographs you see the kids playing in the streets and people of all ages interacting with each other. I realise that these photos were taken in poor areas so nobody had much money to entertain themselves and its 70 plus years ago but you feel that these people were much better off because they had the help and support of their community. I think that Helen Levitt does a great job portraying this because it makes you think about your childhood and how you could have done some things differently.

Notes taken from:

·         1.she did dye-transfer colour prints from the 60’s to the 80’s
·         2. she continued to do her street documentary work and was given 2 grants from Guggenheim to do so over 2 years ( 1959 and 1960)
·         3. most of these pictures were stolen
·         4. she retook the pictures but forty of the original pictures where shown at the NY museum of modern art in 1974.
·         5.This was one of the first exhibitions for proper colour photography.

I find it incredible looking at her colour work because you can instantly tell it’s hers because there’s always an element of humour or happiness in her best work. After completing these two small pieces  of research I am definitely re inspired to shoot, like so many others that have seen her work. I think her work was so good because she wasn’t afraid to get up close and personal with the people she was taking pictures of which influenced the outcome of her prints which made her famous. 

For example this photo which is from:

The lady that’s carrying the milk seems happy and comfortable around the camera that she’s holding so Helen must have been confidant enough to get to know her and people around her to get the picture the way it is.

This is a favourite picture from Helen Levitt’s  colour collection because only in America would you see two suited old men eating melon at the side of a road. As you look at the picture more, you wonder what these guys have seen. This picture was taken in the 70’s so these guys could have grown up through both world wars.

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